09/06/2024 - The Long Road of Life

Initial blog post, about this year and the future

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Last updated: 09/06/2024

As it seems with any time I think things are going to get better, things get so much worse. It’s been a pretty rough year, worst of my life so far, but I’m still here and I’m not planning to go anywhere soon. I kind of wanted to start a blog here at some point, mostly to just jot down some of my thoughts, since nobody is going to be reading these, just never got around to doing it. I suppose starting on the anniversary day of my website is something of a special occasion.

I started this website as a way to experiment with my web projects and to put my thoughts onto something. Maybe I could turn it into something more down the line, but it would just serve as sort of a sandbox or playground for ideas until then. The servers I rented out are a testament to that, barely able to stay running consistently due to their limited resources, since I’m too poor to afford anything better at the moment. In a way, it’s part of my way of “rebelling” against the monopolization of the internet. Still nowhere near all the way down the rabbit hole, but I’m not exactly considered “conventional” by most people.

Hopefully I can write more as time goes on and hopefully they won’t be as dreadfully gloomy as this one turned out to be for the random actual people that happened to come across this.